01 August 2024

London Loop Section 21

So, I reach the end of my London Loop journey. All 24 sections on the 150-mile route have been completed. More or less. I can't say I followed it 100% exactly, especially when some really heavy mud turned up to the party.

This was the opposite of muddy; I left a good deal earlier than usual to get to Havering-atte-Bower, looking much better than it did the last time that I was there, as I wanted to get the walk done before it got too hot. It took me about two and a half hours to do, partly as I missed two turnings on the five-mile route, adding to my journey time. Overgrown paths slowed me down too.

Then it was a five-mile walk through the countryside of my own borough. I've lived here all my life, but there's still parts of it that I've not been too.

This rather old-looking object is in fact a 1930s water tower.

The area used to have two royal palaces. Havering Palace was built before 1066 and existed until at some point after 1686. By 1719, it was in ruins and there is no trace of it now above ground; the green at the top stands on the present site.

The other was Pirgo Palace, built before 1540 and gone by 1814. Mary I and Elizabeth I spent some of their childhood there; the latter would give it to her second cousin Lord John Grey, uncle of Lady Jane.

Only two gate posts remains. Here's one:

Then it was a case of walking through various fields and along various paths, some of which badly overgrown and I got some scratches on my legs (through my trousers) from brambles. At one point earlier, I came within a few inches of falling into a ditch due to it being hard to see the side of footbridge.

There were some decent views, but I've seen better.

I reached the post-war suburb of Harold Hill and the end was very much in sight; the open countryside turned into park areas and eventually I found myself in the final, built-up section, reflecting on the journey I'd had.

It's been good, it's been bad and on occasion, it's been extremely muddy. I've been to many places I'd have not gone to otherwise and I can certainly say I've achieved something.

I reached the end of Section 21 and then made my way home, back in time for lunch. Then I watched Mad Max, which didn't really work for me; if I have to have key parts of the plot explained via TV Tropes, then something clearly hasn't worked. Getting back on topic, I've definitely seen some places that would work in a 'post-apocalyptic' story, without the need for any actual changes.

I've sent feedback to the Inner London Ramblers as usual and would like to thank them for their great guides. Keep up the good work.

Up next, although not just yet, the Capital Ring.

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