02 September 2024

It's a D from me (Review: 'Star Trek' 3.16, "The Mark of Gideon")

Star Trek can frequently be a case of "great idea, shame about the execution" and this episode is clearly a case, clearly a cheapie to pad out the episode order.

Because the execution is very bad.

  • "The purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis" is a good line that I am probably going to use in another context at some point.
  • Ah, bureaucratic buck-passing. We've all been there at some point.
  • It looks like Odona's dress is made from tinsel. She'd better be careful near any bushes, that's for sure. I don't wish to speak ill of the dead, but Sharon Acker's acting in this is pretty dire.
  • If you're going to make catty comments about a foreign leader, use the mute button!
  • How on Earth does Gideon manage to create an exact replica of the Enterprise that fools even Kirk? Did somebody in Starfleet construction give them all the plans? If they can do that, why not build your own ships and resettle some of the excess population.
  • Hodin is not exactly Father of the Year material, that's for sure. His actor, David Hurst, was also a guest star in Mission: Impossible.
  • The people on Gideon make the MAGA crowd look pro-choice! Memory Alpha notes that this episode was not censored despite discussing birth control, a contentious topic at the time; this is pre Roe v. Wade.
  • How would a planet covered in so many people it resembles the District line in rush hour even function? Like at all? They'd all suffocate to death. The concept falls apart on the closest examination.
  • I am pretty sure that most sentencing guidelines do not have "she's hot" as a mitigating factor, even if many fans would count it as one.
  • I can't even say that much positive about Shatner and the regulars this time.

This is pretty dumb all round, I'd say.


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